Sunday, October 5, 2008

I am a Mormmon so I believe in Joseph Smith . I believe him to have been a prophet of god. Only he fufills anchient prophecy. There is proof in anchient records of the maya of the book of Mormmon. This is why I believe the prophet of the church today. Mormmonism is true Know it, Live it. Do your best to live the gospel of Jesus Christ and you will find happiness and exaltation. This is the way to true happiness and exaltation in the kingdom of the almighty god of heaven and earth who rules the universe and is the father of our spirits. This is the truth. Mormonism is true. Joseph Smith was a prophet of god in our own day, proven by scripture and faith and experiances of other people and their testimonies. This is the gospel so live it. Read the book of Mormmon. It is true. It is another testament of Jesus Christ.

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